Professional & Educational Organisations and Charitable Trusts

The Firm has a very strong presence in the educational and professional sector, with advisory ranging from constitution, formation as well as alteration of the constitutive documents. Furthermore, specialist advisory is also rendered to professional regulatory bodies in regards to their operations and management.

The Firm has constituted many philanthropic and educational trusts, including a heritage trust, and is a regular counsel for a number of philanthropic trusts and charitable organisations.


Selected Transactions
  • Acted as the legal advisor and regularly attending meetings of the Investigation Committee and the Council of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP), dealing and advising on inter alia cases related to professional misconduct.
  • Drafting and other related services in relation to amendments to the bye-laws of ICAP from time to time for (amongst other issues) implementation of changes to the election system and mechanism, introduction of e-voting facility and introduction of the professional qualification tiers leading up to the membership status.
  • Legal advisor to two of the big four accounting firms, services for which included inter alia drafting and amendments to the partnership deeds and other operational and governance matters.
  • Preparation and finalization of Training Regulations for ICAP relating to training of students aspiring to become chartered accountants and members of ICAP.
  • Constituted Associations Not for Profit under Section 42 of the Ordinance (now Companies Act, 2017) and numerous charitable Trusts under the Trusts Acts, 1882 and generally acting as legal counsel to various non-profit and charitable organizations, including trusts and societies.
  • Drafting of contracts and employment agreements for staff and faculty members for a University.
  • Drafting of scholarship and financial aid documentation on behalf of Universities and other organizations providing scholarships, bursaries, loans and other aids to deserving students hailing from under-privileged backgrounds.
  • Alteration of the constitutive documentation for Mutual Funds Association of Pakistan (MUFAP) and other not-for-profit associations registered under Section 42 of the Companies Act, 2017 (previously Companies Ordinance, 1984)  to align them with the changes in laws over time.