Media and IT

At Bawaney & Partners, we have significant experience of working with clients across the media and technology sectors. From marketing service providers, radio companies, software developers, IT companies to online retailers and auctioneers, the Firm has advised its clients on a variety of issues ranging from licensing agreements and escrow arrangements to software development and collaboration arrangement, amongst others.


Selected Transactions
  • Complete advisory services to an off-shore entity for formation of a local film production and distribution company as well as drafting and finalization of film production, development and collaboration agreement with local film producers.
  • Review, negotiation and finalization of the procurement of complete trading and surveillance system for the local stock exchange from an off-shore vendor. The transaction involved obtention of integrated systems and solutions as well as surveillance modules based upon which the trading activities over the stock exchange will be carried out.
  • Drafting and finalization of software license agreements for a major IT related company for licensing of software related to online trading platform to be used by clients of the brokerage house for trading in listed securities. The scope included front end system as well as back-office processing solutions merged into a single platform.
  • Drafting of the agreements and data and contents policies for a new community based social media interaction platform to be launched on a global scale.
  • Drafting and finalization of IT related contracts pertaining to provision of back office accounting systems and record management services being rendered by a major IT company to various asset management companies, provident funds and corporations.
  • Acted as legal counsel for companies for installation of Radio Link Satellite Towers for Cellular Base Transceiver Stations (BTSs), at strategic sites in collaboration with Technical Partners, including Agreements relating thereto.
  • Drafting and finalization of the terms and conditions and agreements for online sale of paintings and arts material by a specialist local e-seller, which also operates an art gallery.
  • Takeover of a public company engaged in the business of radio and telecom.
  • Drafting of all documents related to the core software being used by Pakistan’s only professional clearing member.